It Out is a powerful and moving documentary that chronicles the
personal experiences of a life that includes
stuttering as one of its elements. The film captures a range of
emotions culminating in acceptance of stuttering. Jeff’s
courage in sharing that journey with us is inspiring.
—Wendy Bower, Professor of Speech and Language Pathology, State
University of NY, New Paltz
It’s an amazingly powerful, emotional, artistic piece
of work. It must have been a journey of the soul to make it. I’m
sure it will be a journey of the soul for those who see it.
—Dr. Phillip Schneider, Professor of Speech and Language
Pathology, Queens College, NY
It was an excellent documentary that painted an accurate picture
of what life is like for a person who stutters. It was captivating.
—Kyomi G., Graduate Student of Speech and Language
It Out is a personal journey, both intimate and universal, into
the ways that a family copes with someone who is different.
Its very rawness is its power.
—Barry Yeoman, Journalist and person who stutters
loved every minute of it. Spit It Out is the most real and honest
documentary film I have ever seen.
—David Friedman, Person who stutters
It Out is a very insightful look at life as a stutterer. It also
hits on universal themes and I’m sure it
will be of interest to many folks outside the stuttering
—Mike Cohn, Person who stutters